Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Hi! My name is Kaitlyn and this is my first blog! I will be reporting here my wondrous journey into the world of wine! (And maybe beer, we will see how it goes)  So I am pretty excited for this journey.  In my limited experience, wine has quickly become my favorite alcoholic beverage.  So far I haven't tried too many wines, mainly the cheaper reds, but from what I've had I seam to like a specific type of wine.  Specifically, sweet and fruity wines.  The sweeter it is the more I like it!

My favorite wine so far has been Pink Moscato.  I find this wine fruity and delicious, a perfect desert after dinner.  I am also pretty fond of Lambrusco.  It's not as sweet as the Moscato but just as fruity!  Speaking of fruity wines, one of my favorite things to do with wine is to make Sangria from it.  I plan to try all types of different wines as a base in my search for the perfect Sangria!  I wonder what type of fruit and wine combos I can make!

During this wine journey I hope to expand my wine knowledge.  I also plan to broaden my tastes for wine.  I want to discover what wines I like with certain meals, and how and why cheese is paired with wine.  How is wine made? What processes go on that create it?  What led people in the past to their discovery and creation of wine?  I want to discover how wines from different places can taste so different.

I can't wait for this year of wine fun!